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A member registered Jun 28, 2018

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(3 edits)

Wait-- I just realized their eyes are the hearts, spades, and the diamonds, so does this have something to do with the game??? Plus one girl doesn't have the clubs so im guessing that's the mystery girl that was glitching e3e

Oh yeah hexvex if your reading this aiko introduces the girls twice, and yumi laughs 2 times 

(1 edit)

Hey! I think I found something, look..

I was just messing around with the files and I found these links, and when I was reading the files I saw "We trust talia, she only wants the best for us even if it does.." "We trust talia, she only wants the best for us, even if it doesn't work, its better than what was waiting for us, thats what she said, i have to trust her" so ''Haruka'' is Talia probably. I found these links when I coppied all of the notes and sent it to my friend on discord so this is something new to finding out something ^^ I found some other thinks in the see ya file the person kept saying "See ya xx" at the end and these links were in the see ya file: so that's all the information I got kids ill post more if I found out anything else!! Oh yeah and here are the pictures of the girls I got!!